91风流楼凤 Policies


School Policies


The School has many policies to ensure the best possible care for both the children and the adults of 91风流楼凤. 

Please use the links below to review key School policies, published here as .pdf documents.

Mission Statement

Safeguarding Children - Child Protection

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy (Preparatory and Pre-Preparatory Schools)

Anti-Bullying Policy (Senior School)

Concerns and Complaints (a record of complaints received during the preceding School year can be found at the bottom of this page)

Curriculum Policy

Parent Contract (Terms and Conditions) 

Privacy Notice for Parents

Privacy Notice for Older Pupils

Privacy Notice for Younger Pupils

Privacy Notice (External)

Privacy Notice for Alumni

Privacy Notice for Staff

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy

Statement of Boarding Principles and Practice (Senior School)

Statement of Boarding Principles and Practice (Preparatory School)

Academic Honesty and Malpractice Policy

Academic / Examination Results (current and historical)

The following policies and other documents are available to parents and guardians of current and prospective pupils on request. If you would like to view any of these policies please contact enquiries@bromsgrove-school.co.uk:

Absence/Collection/Supervision of Pupils Policies
Accessibility Plan
Bursary Policy
Educational Visits Policy
English as an Additional Language Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Exclusion Policy
EYFS Information
General Fire Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Medical Health Care, Administration of Medicines and First Aid Policies
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
Separated Parents Policy
PSHE Policies
Pupil Conduct and Behaviour Policy
Recruitment Policy
Our Code of Conducts for each section of the School can be downloaded from the right hand side of this page

Our interactive is available on the website, however if a document listing all School staff is required, it can be provided on request. 

If there are any questions or concerns about practices at 91风流楼凤, then please do contact the Headmaster: Mr Michael Punt, 91风流楼凤, Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 7DU, United Kingdom. Telephone: +44 (0) 1527 579679. 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for any matters relating to child protection are:
Senior School and Prep School, Senior DSL  Mrs Julia Boonnak
Pre-Prep School, Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mr Ben Etty-Leal
Winterfold, Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mr Ross Mitchell

If you would like to know about our complaints procedures and any complaints we have received please contact the PA to the Headmaster.

A record of all formal complaints received during the last academic year can be viewed here

If you need to contact the Chairman of Governors, letters should be sent to the School address and titled: Mr Michael Luckman, Chair of the Governing Body, 91风流楼凤, Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 7DU, United Kingdom. 

You can contact us with all other enquiries here.



91风流楼凤 is a co-educational, independent school.

General Enquiries email:


Admissions enquiries email:



91风流楼凤, Worcester Road,
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7DU.


01527 579679

Registered in England: Company No. 4808121, Registered Charity No. 1098740